Consolidations and flawless supply for acceptable price
Baltic Consol Line is the only neutral AIR FREIGHT consolidator in Baltic States.
Because of wide partner network we can offer AIR FREIGHT services to most
possible directions.

Baltic Consol Line is the only neutral AIR FREIGHT consolidator in Baltic States. Because of wide partner network we can offer AIR FREIGHT services to most possible directions.

Big experience in making consolidations, trust of our customers and their support made us the biggest neutral LCL RAIL consolidator in the region.

Big experience in making consolidations, trust of our customers and their
support made us the biggest neutral LCL RAIL consolidator in the region.
Baltic Consol Line is the only neutral consolidators providing road freight services.
We care about our reputation and we guarantee that all the information that our
customers entrusts us will be secure.

Baltic Consol Line is the only neutral consolidators providing road freight services. We care about our reputation and we guarantee that all the information that our customers entrusts us will be secure.

LCL – is in our DNA it is our business card, the oldest and strongest product of the group of companies. We are recognised as trustworthy partner by biggest worldwide and regional neutral consolidators.

LCL – is in our DNA it is our business card, the oldest and strongest product
of the group of companies. We are recognised as trustworthy partner by
biggest worldwide and regional neutral consolidators.

We are the largest and most complete service providing neutral consolidators in the Baltic States.

We have the coolest team.

We are the first one to invest in technologies creating the additional value for our employees, customers and partners.

We strive to establish long-term and friendly relationship with customers.